Nice Flaps is an artist initiative with the aim to gather
and observe together, to provide time to concentrate,
to look, to be, without an outcome in mind other than contemplation itself.

We offer non-taught, experimental drawing sessions
in The Hague, generally with a model, perhaps two,
mostly naked, sometimes in costume, alone in the
room, or mingling among props and sets...

We are always looking for, and open to other
ways of directing the sessions. If you have an idea
for something that could run in conjunction with
life drawing, get in touch with us! Performers, artists,
designers, fashionistas, musicians, or any other
inspired mind is welcome!

We are currently updating our website, for the moment please visit our
to stay updated on upcoming events & see our past sessions.

If you want to get in touch, send us a dm on Instagram or an email to